In many medium-to-large offices, the cost of printing is the third highest office expense.
If you don’t have the time or resources to manage this, you’re not alone!
Our managed print services can help.
What’s Included with Managed Print Services?
Managed print services (MPS) include a group of tools and managed print solutions that allow service providers to monitor and optimize all aspects of your print environment. This takes the burden of several tasks away from your team. At Carlyle, we offer managed print services to companies in Winnipeg, helping teams in our community:
- Reduce your print-related costs (up to 30%!)
- Use less paper and consumables
- Reduce the workload of your IT department

Why Choose Carlyle for Your Managed Print Needs?
As a leading MPS provider in our area, we have the expertise and knowledge to help customers manage their print fleet environment, resulting in reduced costs and greater office efficiency. Carlyle offers a superior managed print system, which provides our customers with detailed assessments to determine savings in the three silos of printer expenses:
- Service
- Supplies
- Hardware Acquisition
Carlyle’s Integrated Approach:
With our MPS program, you’ll have one supplier coordinating all areas of your print fleet, and providing you with detailed reports on its status. We also work around the clock to help you generate savings in all print-related areas.
Request your free,no-obligation assessment today
What are the Benefits of Managed Print Services?
Reduce Your IT Support Requirements
By investing in managed print services, your IT team will have more time to focus on projects that they’re passionate about.
Total Transparency
Carlyle provides you with reports that will help your IT team make informed decisions.
Reduce Your Costs
Through closer review and planning of your print expenses, our managed print services cost less overall in the long-term compared to your team managing it alone.
Ongoing Management and Support
Our print specialists will manage your fleet to ensure you have the best printers for your team’s needs. We’ll also make sure that your fleet is updated as your business evolves.
Supplies and Service are Proactively Monitored
We manage supplies replenishment so your team won’t have to! We also monitor service alerts on your printers, and will come to your location to complete preventative maintenance.
One Number To Call and One Vendor to Deal With!
If you’re having any issues with your fleet, we’re just a phone call away. We make it simple.
Keep Your Cash Flowing!
Because you only pay for what you print, you won't have to deal with expensive (and sometimes outdated) toner on the shelf. Carlyle manages your entire supplies inventory for you.
Right Sizing Your Fleet to Meet Your Needs!
Carlyle will work with you to understand what your team needs for their printer fleet. We base this off your print volumes and user feedback, ensuring you have what you need without overselling.
How It Works
Step 1: Review Your Needs
The first thing we do when reviewing your print needs is determine the true cost of printing a page.
To answer this question, we consider the following costs:
- Hardware acquisition
- Supplies
- Service labour
- Parts
- Internal staff
You’ll be surprised by how much time it takes to manage your print fleet and how much money it costs to print a page.
Here’s what this process looks like:
- Carlyle adds a dedicated collection agent (DCA) to your print server.
- The software collects performance information on your network’s printers and copiers.
- The data collected includes the number of pages printed in monochrome and colour, the age of the device, and any service alerts.
- Once this information is gathered, we calculate the cost of printing a page.
We have the unique ability to generate savings for our clients in all areas of printing. The results are significant!
Step 2: Finding the Right Solution for Your Business
During step two, we find a solution that will work for your business. We determine what, why, and how your team is currently printing. The goal is to reduce your printing costs.
This can be done in a number of ways:
- Reduce the total cost of printing.
- Reduce the amount of printing you do (e.g. duplex printing, automatically selecting B/W instead of colour, etc.).
- Educate your team on cost effective print practices.
- Managing your existing device as is or getting an upgrade recommendation.
- Reduce internal time spent on print issues (e.g. handling service issues, purchasing supplies, etc.).
Step 3: Review and Maintain
During step three, Carlyle conducts “constant monitoring” which:
- Monitors your toner levels and arranges for it to be shipped to you proactively. This means you won’t have to worry about generating a separate PO.
- Monitors printer service alerts and sets up preventive maintenance calls based on the readings.
- Reviews page usage to see what the utilization rates are (i.e. is the printer significantly over or under worked?).
This information is communicated to your team in a review process annually, semi-annually, or quarterly (depending on your preference).
This analysis keeps your fleet performing efficiently, and identifies areas of potential savings.
Step 2: Finding the Right Solution for Your Business
During step two, we find a solution that will work for your business. We determine what, why, and how your team is currently printing. The goal is to reduce your printing costs.
This can be done in a number of ways:
- Reduce the total cost of printing.
- Reduce the amount of printing you do (e.g. duplex printing, automatically selecting B/W instead of colour, etc.).
- Educate your team on cost effective print practices.
- Managing your existing device as is or getting an upgrade recommendation.
- Reduce internal time spent on print issues (e.g. handling service issues, purchasing supplies, etc.).

Upon completion of our no-obligation assessment of your print fleet, we’ll provide you with the following information:
- A detailed cost breakdown for the three areas of printing (supplies, hardware, and service).
- Recommendations on how to increase your office efficiency.
- A detailed cost-per-page breakdown for your desktop printers.
- A monthly print volume breakdown by area of the company.
- An analysis of printer utilization as compared to recommended monthly volumes.
- An analysis of printer volumes compared to useful life.