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4 Transformative Digital System Efficiencies and Why They are Essentia Skip to main content


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4 Transformative Digital System Efficiencies and Why They are Essential to Your Business

Published By: Eric Johannson | Tue Mar 09, 2021

Man living and working from home

It’s hard to believe that it has almost been a year since COVID-19 completely transformed the way most companies conduct business. It was almost as if we were suddenly transported into this dystopian world of living and working from home; navigating conference calls through various meeting platforms, trying to keep projects and teams organized and on the same page, struggling to keep business moving forward rather than stagnating, while trying to catch up to the technological demands so forcefully thrust upon businesses at every level. 

Times were tough. They are still tough, but looking back with the wisdom of the year behind us, we’ve come to understand the game changing digital tools that have made an impact on businesses in maintaining their relevance, their ability to deliver, and at the end of the day—getting on with business, even in the midst of a global pandemic.


If your business is struggling to “get on with it”, you may find what you're looking for to breathe life back into your business operations with our Top 4 Digital Transformation Opportunities: 

1. Cloud-Based Content Management

What is it? Cloud-Based Content Management is essentially an online storage system that also concerns itself with collecting, delivering, retrieving, governing and managing information within a cloud-based hosting environment.

Why is it important? Cloud-based hosting environments allow for data to be retrieved at any time from anywhere, allowing your information accessibility and communication among departments and teams to remain seamless and flexible while your employees work remotely. If you feel like a lack of communication between your teams and employees or corporate disorganization are becoming massive issues as much of the country continues to work from home, maybe it’s time to make the switch to a cloud-based content management system and start reaping the benefits of improved digital operations. 

2. Enterprise Content Management

What is it? Enterprise Content Management is a software solution that is designed to manage your business’s documents and information in one place—like an online library of documents your business needs or is working on. 

Why is it important? Like the Cloud-Based Content Management, Enterprise Content Management systems get your employees the documents, media, spreadsheets and PDFs exactly when they need them by making that library available anytime and from anywhere. What’s even better is that ECMs back up your records—keeping your documents and media safely stored for future reference. If your team is struggling to get documents signed, keep track of project progress, or experiencing difficulty staying organized, then perhaps an ECM product is the right digital transformation for your business.

3. Web Forms Management

What is it? Web Forms Management software keeps track of all web-based forms and form-captured data while organizing and categorizing that data.  

Why is it important? By making use of a centrally managed authoring system like Web Forms Management software solutions, as well as shared resources and templates, the authoring process for creating forms can be a seamless experience. Web Forms Management solutions provide content contributors with the tools required to effortlessly create and monitor content while simultaneously creating efficiencies and brand continuity through templating. Save your business time and money by investing in efficiencies like Web Forms Management solutions.

4. Document Capture Automation

What is it? Document Capture Automation is the process of capturing information from any source (whether that source is paper, email or FTP) and automatically saves and stores that information in a centralized and accessible online location. 

Why is it important? Document Capture Automation software offers businesses opportunities to increase document security, automatically classifies and categorizes documents—everything from contracts to invoices, extracts and verifies information, directs extracted document information to departments for action or approval, and saves document status and progress with no manual effort while increasing productivity.

Whatever situation your business is in these days, we encourage you to get in touch if any of the solutions offered above resonate with you and your company’s needs.

Please feel free to call us at 204.262.1032, email us at, or request a call here for more information.





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