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How to Truly Transform the Way You Do Business Skip to main content


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How to Truly Transform the Way You Do Business

Published By: Eric Johannson | Fri Oct 23, 2020

Too many companies were significantly underprepared for the mass shift to remote work brought on by COVID-19. While some had previously adopted digital technologies like Cloud storage, workflows were not integrated, and manual processes still needed to occur to get the job done. In some cases, this meant physically going into the office, even when it was recommended not to do so.

These are NOT examples of digitally transformed companies. Think about it this way...

Manually uploading documents to the Cloud for review is the same as faxing or emailing them. You press send, and if additional changes are required, the documents still need to be sent back.

When local documents are automatically saved to the Cloud, there is no need for data entry and endless version tracking. Everyone has access to the most up-to-date information and the freedom to work from any location.

Accounting professional manually entering data into computer

Similarly, filling out a form requires the same inputs, whether with a pen and paper or a screen and keyboard. What if predictable information, such as monetary totals on a T-4 form, could be reliably indexed without the need to total and type the information yourself?

Solutions like these are the cornerstone of a true digital transformation, but where do you start?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, we recommend introducing a fully digital workflow to a single department that relies heavily on paper documents, like Accounting. There are a number of software solutions that can seamlessly integrate with your existing ERP including:

  • Document capture automation
  • Enterprise content management
  • Business process management
  • Web forms management

Not only are these options more efficient than manual data entry, they are also more accurate and cost-effective. 

Like any new process, it takes time to realize the benefits and value-add on a larger scale. This is why we set measurable goals for our clients on their digital transformation journey.

If you'd like more information, you can learn about our document management solutions hereIf you're ready to get started, call or email us today!

Tel: 204-480-4876




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